Harbor Church
Tuesday, October 22, 2024
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Sunday Worship


Harbor Church

First Gathered on October 23, 1765




He is Risen!















e April 4th, 2021, 10:00 a.m.f

Our 256th year


April 4th, 2021, 10:00 a.m.

Easter Sunday!




Prelude Variations on Ode to Joy” (L. van Beethoven)
Welcome & Opening Reflection


The people living in darkness have seen a great light, and for those living in the land and shadow of death, a light has risen.” (Matthew 4:16)


Call to Worship (from the Iona Community)


Leader: Friends, Christ is Risen!


People: Christ is Risen Indeed!


Leader: Have you seen the risen Christ with your own eyes?


People: We have seen him in lives transformed by grace.


Leader: Have you experienced the empty tomb?


People: We have! In hope reborn, joy renewed, and life restored.


Leader: Death can never again be the final word.


People: We gather to celebrate the new life in us and in all creation.


Leader: Christ is Risen!


People: Christ is Risen indeed!


Song “Christ the Lord Is Risen Today”


Christ the Lord is risen today, Alleluia!


Earth and Heaven join to say, Alleluia!


Raise your joys and triumphs high, Alleluia!


Sing, ye heavens, and earth reply, Alleluia!



Love’s redeeming work is done, Alleluia!


Fought the fight, the battle won, Alleluia!


Death in vain forbids Him rise, Alleluia!


Christ has opened paradise, Alleluia!



Lives again our glorious King, Alleluia!


Where, O death, is now thy sting? Alleluia!


Dying once, He all doth save, Alleluia!


Where thy victory, O grave? Alleluia!



Soar we now where Christ has led, Alleluia!


Following our exalted Head, Alleluia!


Made like Him, like Him we rise, Alleluia!


Ours the cross, the grave, the skies, Alleluia!


CCLI License # 20007620


A Unison Prayer for Easter


Holy God, you have given us another Easter morning to proclaim, once again, Christ’s victory over death and the power of life. In this uncertain time in which we live, open the tombs that keep us oppressed, breathe life into our fearful spirits, and shine the light of your truth over our limitations. Today we offer you the best we have; our thanks and praise as we open our hearts and minds to the miracle of Easter. As we celebrate the Resurrection, lead us to the joy which is found through loving and serving in Jesus’ name. Today and every day, may our lives testify to the presence and power of the Living God! Amen.

Disciple’s Moment “Hidden Flowers”


Gospel Reading Luke 24:1–13


But on the first day of the week, at early dawn, they came to the tomb, taking the spices that they had prepared. They found the stone rolled away from the tomb, but when they went in, they did not find the body. While they were perplexed about this, suddenly two men in dazzling clothes stood beside them. The women were terrified and bowed their faces to the ground, but the men said to them, “Why do you look for the living among the dead? He is not here, but has risen. Remember how he told you, while he was still in Galilee, that the Son of Man must be handed over to sinners, and be crucified, and on the third day rise again.” Then they remembered his words, and returning from the tomb, they told all this to the eleven and to all the rest. Now it was Mary Magdalene, Joanna, Mary the mother of James, and the other women with them who told this to the apostles. But these words seemed to them an idle tale, and they did not believe them. But Peter got up and ran to the tomb; stooping and looking in, he saw the linen cloths by themselves; then he went home, amazed at what had happened.


An Easter Affirmation (with one voice) “We believe.”


We believe in an astounding God, who surprises us on Easter morning, who reveals through an empty tomb how overflowingly full of God the creation is. We believe in God, who is light in the darkness, who never gives up on love, who is always working for our good, who weeps when we weep and laughs when we laugh, who calls us to be more than we are as God relentlessly transforms our tears into alleluias.


We believe in the Christ, present at and in the creation, heard in the words of prophets, come in the birth of a long-sought Messiah, alive in the lessons taught to disciples, not stuck in a tomb of despair, nailed to cross, or buried in the past, but living forever, and walking with us on our journeys today, seen in our stories, present in everything we can see, touch, and imagine.


We believe in the Holy Spirit, the invisible presence of God, the joy, hope, and peace of possibilities opening all around us all the time. We believe the Spirit calls us to community, to compassion, to welcome, and to acts of mercy and justice, so that the whole world will awaken with wonder and hope.


We are people of faith in the risen Christ, and we see our Christ in everyone and in everything. We strive to live in such a way that the world will see Christ rising again, in us and through us, with the message of Easter.. God lives. Christ is risen. Alleluia. Amen.





Scripture Reading: Isaiah 60:1-5


Arise, shine! For your light has come; the glory of the LORD has risen upon you. For look! Darkness will cover the earth and thick darkness is over the people, but the LORD will arise upon you, and his glory will appear over you. Nations will come to your light, and kings before your dawn. Lift up your eyes and look around: They all gather together, they come to you; your sons and daughters come from far away. Then you will look and be radiant; your heart will swell with joy, because the abundance of the seas will be flow to you, and the abundance of the nations will come to you.


Message “Every Day Can Be Easter!”




Musical Meditation “What Wondrous Love Is This ?” (The Southern Harmony)


What can I do in my life to make every day an ‘Easter day’?


Song “Easter People, Raise Your Voices”


Easter people raise your voices


Sounds of heaven in earth should ring


Christ has brought us Heaven's choices


Heavenly music let it ring


Alleluia alleluia


Easter people let us sing



Fear of death can no more stop us


From our pressing here below


For our Lord empowered us


To triumph over every foe


Alleluia alleluia


On to victory now we go



Every day to us is Easter


With its resurrection song


Even when life overwhelms us


Easter people sing this song:


Alleluia alleluia


Everlasting Sunday song.



Our Offering & Doxology


Praise God from whom all blessings flow!


Praise God all creatures here below! Hallelujah! Hallelujah!


Praise God the source of all our gifts!


Praise Jesus Christ whose power uplifts!


Praise the Spirit, Holy Spirit! Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah!


Sharing our Joys and Concerns
For Praise


    For the hope of resurrection and the promise of everlasting life!


    Being able to gather for worship once again!


    God’s goodness, help and strength during challenging times 


For Passings


    Jean Valentine (3/30/21)


    Elva Derby (3/24/21)


    Bonnie Ryan (3/15/21)


For People we Know 


    Baby Holden LaCoste –Came early! prayer for his health and growth


    Steve Hollaway’s mother is in Hospice care


    Bob Coppeto’s mother is in Rehab Center


    Carrie Johnson’s mother Carolyn is struggling with chronic pain


    Diana Torres niece Maria is in cancer treatment


    Todd Tremble is in hospital


    Leslie Slate is in hospice care


    Kristen O’Brien’s father in cancer treatment


    Those in our community with the virus


    Families engaged in ‘distance learning’ at home


For our Nation and the World 


    Distribution of the vaccine for Covid-19


    Movement towards true social equality for all. 


    Those out of work or in an economic crisis. 


    For strength and wisdom for our town, regional, and national leaders.


    A reduction in tensions and unity in our nation & community


    People suffering from severe weather in Australia and the Southern U.S.A.


    Recent Victims of Gun Violence



Prayers of the People and The Lord’s Prayer (…forgiven us our sins)


Song “The Illumination”




Come and let Your light shine


Bright across the nations


Speed the light of Jesus we are the illumination


Come and let Your light shine


Shout the invitation


Speed the light of Jesus we are the illumination


Verse 1


Wake up oh sleeper wake up and hear


The sound of a movement the song of a revolution


Wake up oh dreamer wake up your leader


Has called you to action


Take hold of His heart of passion


Fan the flame and let it shine


The world will see and glorify


The living God the source of life divine


Verse 2


Rise up oh dead man


Rise up and shed then


The darkness that binds you


The power of God's behind you


Fan the flame and let it shine


The world will see and glorify


The living God


The source of life divine




Speed the love speed the fight


Speed the freedom speed the light




Fan the flame and let it shine


The world will see and glorify


The living God the source of life divine


CCLI Song # 4631446Jesse Butterworth, © 2005 Designer Music Group, Inc.,CCLI License # 20007620


Passing of the Peace & Benediction


Leader: Christ has been raised from the dead – Alleluia!


People: We have been raised to new life – Alleluia!


Leader: Christ is risen!


People: Christ is risen indeed!


Leader: Go in the peace and joy and hope of life everlasting, Amen.


Special Thanks to our Worship Music Team, who continue to inspire us: Carrie Johnson, Cameron Greenlee, Alton Bentley, Lisa Sprague, and Steve Miller


Information & Events:
Easter is Here!


After the Easter worship experience, we continue our celebration with a Coffee Social in Memorial Garden and on porch. There will also be an Easter Egg Hunt for children of all ages on the Lawn at 11 a.m!



Movie Night Returns to Harbor Church! Upcoming Films:


    April 9th “Antebellum”


    April 16th News of the World”


    April 23rd “Greenland”


SEATING IS LIMITED. No food will be served and all pandemic protocols will be observed. We hope you will come out to start socializing with us again as soon as you are ready!


The Senior Ride Service “SRS” is up and running! Courtesy of Block Island Senior Advisory Committee, provided through the taxi service of Sue Ann Miliken (401.742-0436) Cost is only $3.00 Round Trip. For more info, contact Gloria Redlich/ Sr. Coordinator: 401.486-9278 gloryb311@gmail.com or


A New Afghan! Thank You to Judy Mitchell for creating a work of art in the beautiful new Block Island Afghan for our raffle fund-raiser this year!


Virtual Worship Experience Sunday mornings at 10 am via live-stream.


With the reality of the ongoing pandemic, we have now expanded our viewing options:

Live On our Facebook page:

Harbor Church — Block Island, RI.


Live On Zoom.


Meeting ID: 787 167 9609


** PASSWORD IS “worship”




One tap mobile +13017158592


Landline Phone Dial-in 301 715 8592 Passcode: 9767731


Recorded for later viewing On Youtube Channel “Pastor Peter Preiser” (‘Catch Up’ with past worship services here!)


Devotional Thoughts and Recordings of Worship Services are posted on YouTube channel,

Pastor Peter Preiser
Moments of Inspiration
 can be enjoyed with us through Instagram @harborchurchbi 


For more resources:


Our website: www.harborchurchblockisland.org


Email Pastor Peter directly at: petrospaulos@hotmail.com


Electronic Giving Options are now available if you wish to donate to Harbor Church.  Harbor Church is now offering the following options for those who wish to support the ongoing ministries of our church:

All Charitable contributions to Harbor Church are tax-deductible. Year-end statements are sent to all donors. All transactions are securely protected and encrypted. Info:



��Birthday Club News��
Celebrating Birthdays for April


Hillary   April  2


Edie Blane   April 13


Donna Corey  April  26




Easter Flowers Donations


The Flowers beautifying the sanctuary this morning were given by the following families in memory of loved ones:


Peggy & David Lewis For Alyce & Rob Lewis


Michele & Blake Phelan For Phelan & Ziobro Families


Bill Penn For Sally Stephens


Hillary & Andy Transue For Our Parents-Ethel & Colman Ives, and
Errol & Bill Transue


Sally & Paul Marte For our Parents


Peter & Carrie For Frank Leslie and Bob Johnson


Renee Batchelder For the children


Lisa Sprague For Mom & Dad


For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord,
as the waters cover the sea.”
[Habakuk. 2:14]


The First Baptist Church of Block Island


Ministers to the World: All Members of the Harbor Church


Rev. Peter P. Preiser, Jr., Pastor


Contact Pastor Peter at 860-970-5695 or by email:



Church Office: 401-466-5940 Email:





We are an affiliate of the American Baptist Churches, USA