Harbor Church
Wednesday, April 24, 2024
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Roll Call Sunday 2019

Roll Call Sunday will be October 20, 2019. This is the day of the year we remember our roots, and during worship call the roll of church, members, associate members, and friends. We ask all present to respond with a Bible verse, a thought, or a simple "present" and we read any messages received from those who can not be present. We also ask any visitors, regular or one-time, if they have anything to share with the congregation. 
It is one of the Sundays in the year we read our Covenant, affirming to ourselves, each other and God, our commitment, regroup and find our wings to carry us through another year.
Roll Call also marks the "birthday" of Harbor Church; it is per our by-laws, the Sunday closest to October 23, the date of formal gathering in 1765.